27 years old Man driving car caught in a car accident as a "sandwich" only minor injuries




After I read this news,I though,God help him.微笑

Original title: Man driving car caught in a car accident as a "sandwich" only minor injuries (Figure)

Whitby driving a minivan accident happened. His car was caught two trucks, like "car sandwich", but fortunately he was only slightly injured.

BEIJING, Jan. 19, according to foreign media reports, the US state of Oregon recently occurred involving about 100 cars in a serious traffic accident. A man driving a small truck, two large trucks were sandwiched into a "sandwich", the body is completely extrusion, the man turned out to be not right, a miracle.

According to reports, Oregon 17 incidents involving about 100 cars in serious traffic accidents, killing 12 people were injured.

27-year-old man was driving a minivan Whitby accident happened. His car was caught two trucks, like "car sandwich", but fortunately he was only slightly injured.

Photos can be seen from the scene, two large trucks caught minivans Whitby. When Whitby trapped, his first knife cut the seat belt, and then after the call for help. He later said that before the incident the moment he just pray everything will be fine, but this is his only can do.

Fortunately, Whitby only slightly injured, but still hospitalized, can be said to escape the jaws of death.